*First two weeks free

About Us

Are you a teacher? Do you want your life back? Then sign-up now. Or you can read on to find out a bit more about us first …

SaveTeachersSundays.com provides medium-term, weekly and daily lesson plans, with every resource needed to teach each lesson. The lesson plans are designed around the current primary curriculum that UK primary schools are expected to use; however, I have no doubt that the resources will still be useful for teachers not working from this curriculum.


SaveTeachersSundays.com began life as SaveYourSundays.com in 2009, when its owner was teaching a Year 3 class in London. Far too often his Sundays (and evenings, and Saturdays) were being taken up by planning lessons and making resources. So, to save everyone else having to do this, he decided to share what he had created. And the site became popular, and people began to ask for resources for other year groups …

Then in 2012 he had to decide whether to expand the site to have resources for other year groups. The resources on SaveYourSundays.com had always been free, so the only income was from adverts and donations … unfortunately the revenue from donations (£20 in 3 years) and adverts (about £1 a day) were not enough to cover the costs of updating the site. So in order for the site to be expanded and maintained it became necessary to charge for access to most of the resources.

The man behind the SaveTeachersSundays Superhero mask

I worked at an outstanding primary school in London for four years, teaching Year 3 for most of this time. During this period I completed a Postgraduate Diploma (a Masters without the dissertation) in Dyslexia and Literacy.

I am NOT a professor of education, an OFSTED inspector, a publisher or a former headteacher, but I do remember what it is like to be a trainee teacher, an NQT and a busy classroom teacher, as I was all of these in the last few years. And as such, I like to think that I know what is most useful to trainees, NQTs and busy classroom teachers.

If you would really like to see my photo, visit the LinkedIn page through the link in the top right-hand corner, but be warned that a tourist in London once asked me if I was ‘the monk from the Da Vinci code’, so don’t expect too much.


Once you have used the site for a while, it would be great if you could give your opinion on SaveTeachersSundays.com on our Facebook page, to help other people decide whether to sign-up for the site or not. Please get in touch with any feedback that you have on the site, including suggested improvements and any mistakes that you have found in the resources, so that I can continue to improve it.

If there is something that you would like to know that isn’t explained here, please visit our FAQ or Contact Us.

So, if you have already signed up, enjoy having your life back; if you haven’t signed up, what are you waiting for?

Business details

Director: Raymond Rodgers
Company name: Save Teachers’ Sundays Limited
Company Number: 9370540
Registered office: 6 Livingstone Road, Bath BA2 3PQ
Email: admin@saveteacherssundays.com